Thursday 1 November 2018

Kalymnos Experience by Spanish Team

When they told us the option of make a project that gave us the opportunity to travel, we thought it was surrealist and we had desire to participate and take part on that experience. To begin, the choice of the students that were going to participate in the project was done through an interview which some teachers selected the people who has the Erasmus + profile, such as the facilitate of working in group, the skills learning languages, the average of the marks, the enthusiasm and the predisposition. We could not believe it, but we were selected. There were eight places, five for Italy and three for Greece. Depending on the position you were in, you could choose your destination. The day arrived and we were already to take our flight at three a.m. and we started our new Erasmus experience. After three planes and a ship, we reached our destination, Kalymnos, a small island in the south-east of the Aegean sea, near Turkey. It was a charming island, cozy and extremely beautiful, from almost all the points of this island we could see Telendos, a volcanic island that looked like an exotic one. Some of the activities we did were climbing, caving, mountain paths, visiting places of interest on the island and many more. These days we enjoyed a lot of the island, but especially from our Erasmus partners who came from many different countries (Turkey, Romania, Croatia, Portugal, Italy). It was an experience that we will never forget and we recommend 100% participate in this exciting, educational and enriching adventure. 
Quan ens digueren l’opció de fer un projecte en el qual ens donava l’oportunitat de viatjar, ho veiem surrealista i teniem moltíssimes ganes de participar i formar part d’eixa experiència. Per començar, l’elecció de l’alumnat que anava a participar en el projecte es va fer per mitjà d’una entrevista la qual es seleccionaven les persones que donaven el perfil Erasmus +, com pot ser la facilitat per a treballar en grup, les habilitat en els idiomes y la mitja de les notes, l’entusiasme y la predisposició. No ens ho podíem creure, però vam ser seleccionades. Hi havien vuit places, cinc per a italia i tres per a grecia. Segons la posició en la que havies quedat podies triar destí. Ja tocava anar-nos-en de viatge, a les tres del matí havíem quedat per emprendre la nostra nova experiència Erasmus. Després de tres avions i un vaixell, arribarem al nostre destí, Kalymnos, una xicoteta illa situada al sud est del mar Egeu, ben prop de Turquia. Era una illa encisadora, acollidora y summament bonica, desde cuasi tots els punts d’aquesta es veia Telendos, una illa volcànica que donava un aspecte exòtic. Algunes activitats que ferem van ser escalada, espeleologia, rutes per la montaña, visitarem llocs d'interès de l’illa i moltes coses més. Eixos dies disfrutarem molt de la illa, però sobretot dels nostres companys d’Erasmus que venien de molts països diferents (Turquia, Romania,Croacia, Portugal, Italia). Va ser una experiència que no oblidarem mai i recomanem al 100% participar en aquesta aventura tan emocionant, didàctica i enriquidora.

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